Fun, Laughter, Teamwork and Charity… Team Drive Slayed!
27th September 2023
On Saturday 23rd September 2023, Team Drive took to the water in Forget Me Not’s Annual Dragon Boat Race at Pugney’s Water Park in Wakefield. The sun was shining and the friendly competition and camaraderie was in full force.
We are thrilled that we smashed our fundraising target and have currently raised £1414.00 to help support this wonderful charity and the families receiving support from the Forget Me Not Team.
Team Drive came 13th out of 27 teams and whilst we had our heart set on winning, we were so proud of our team and their achievement. They say that it’s the taking part that counts, and it most certainly did!
The theme of the day was TEAMWORK. Every person worked together and Team Drive performed better with faster times every race.

Thank you to all our incredible staff who took part, you all did fantastically! Also thanks to all our fellow employees and their families who came to give us incredible support and cheer us on.
The donation site is still live, so if you would like to sponsor our team, the link to donate is below and we would be very grateful.
"I can honestly say this was one of the best days I’ve ever had working at Drive. Amongst the fun, the teamwork, and the camaraderie, we raised an incredible amount of money for Forget Me Not." Nicola Wright, HR Director
We had so much fun, we've signed ourselves up for next year! Go Team Drive!